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Learning Outcomes

Biology & Chemistry

The classes that I have taken to fulfill my Biology major and Chemistry minor were:

  1. BIO 1307  Scientific Writing

  2. BIO 2301 General Biology 1

  3. BIO 2101 General Biology 1 Laboratory

  4. BIO 2311 Anatomy & Physiology 1

  5. BIO 2111 Anatomy & Physiology 1 Laboratory

  6. BIO 2312 Anatomy & Physiology 2

  7. BIO 2112 Anatomy & Physiology 2 Laboratory

  8. BIO 2301 General Biology 2

  9. BIO 2102 General Biology 2 Lab

  10. BIO 1303 Scientific Ethics and Controversies

  11. BIO 3315 Introduction to Neuroscience

  12. BIO 3113 Introduction to Neuroscience Laboratory

  13. BIO 2277 Investigation & Research I

  14. BIO 3231 Microbiology

  15. BIO 3232 Microbiology Laboratory

  16. BIO 3366 Genetics

  17. BIO 3277 Investigation and Research II

  18. BIO 3337 Biomolecules

  19. BIO 4364 Cell Biology

  20. BIO 4276 Bio/Senior Seminar

  21. BIO 4277 Investigation and Research lll

  22. BIO 4376 Biochemistry

  23. PHY 2321 General Physics 1

  24. PHY 2121 General Physics 1 Laboratory

  25. CHE 2311 General Chemistry 1

  26. CHE 2111 General Chemistry 1 Laboratory

  27. CHE 2312 General Chemistry 2

  28. CHE 2112 General Chemistry 2 Laboratory

  29. CHE 2326 Organic Chemistry l

  30. CHE 2327 Organic Chemistry ll

  31. CHE 2321 Quantitative Analysis

  32. CHE 2121 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory

  33. CHE 3322 Instrumental Analysis

  34. CHE 3222 Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

  35. CLS 2102 Medical Terminology

These are the courses that I took over the 4 years at Winston-Salem State University. Each of these helped me fulfill my requirements to graduate, as well as learning outcome requirements such as:


  • Integrating knowledge across sub-disciplines of Biology.

  • Demonstrating basic laboratory skills, including quantitative (and qualitative) skills.

  • Demonstrating critical thinking skills, including developing hypotheses and designing, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting experiments.

  • Communicating biological knowledge effectively in written and oral form.

  • Finding, selecting, and evaluating various types of scientific information.

  • Demonstrate both in-depth and broad knowledge of the concepts comprising the biological sciences.


The classes that I have taken to fulfill my Psychology minor were:

  1. PSY 2301 Introduction to Psych Sciences

  2. PSY 3308 Cognitive Psychology

  3. PSY 2316 Drugs, Addiction, & Behavior

  4. PSY 3302 Adolescence

  5. PSY 3312 Black Psychology

  6. PSY 3306 Abnormal Behavior

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